On Mass-radius Relation & Lane-Emden Equation

Posted by Hongjin Wang on November 25, 2018


​ In physics, matter is said to follow a relation called equation of state (EOS), that is, the internal pressure P is a function of temperature T and density $\rho​$ (or volume V). This relation describe a lot of useful thing of a matter. Using the knowledge of thermodynamics, one can easily derive many properties using such equation. One of the most important properties is the mass radius relation.

​ Why is this relation so important? This is a measurable quantity thanks to the scientists in NASA. It can be derived from the observation of the planet’s orbit. It defines the intrinsic property of a planet. For instance, Earth is consist of surface, mantle and core. A coarse model to describe the earth can be a three-layered model: a water surface, a silicon mantle and an iron core. Use the EoS of $H_2O$, $MgSiO_3$ and Fe, we can derive a mass radius relation for earth. If we can find some planets outside the solar system with a similar mass radius relation like Earth, it is likely to be a habitable planet. (Well, of course not that simple)

​ One way derive a mass radius relation from EoS is to solve the Lane-Emden equation.

Lane-Emden Equation

Consider the mass of a spherical shell

the equation of hydrostatic equilibrium (HSE)

and a special form of EOS

where $K$ and $n$ are constants.

This problem, toward to solution of which fundamental contributions have been made by Lane, Ritter, Kelvin, Emden, and Fowler, is also of considerable physical interest.

Use Eq.$\ref{mass}$ and Eq.$\ref{HSE}$,

according to Eq.$\ref{EOS}$, we can write

Substitute Eq.$\ref{EoSrho}$ into Eq.$\ref{origin}$,

Now we introduce a dimensionless variable $\xi$, which is defined by

Plug in

This star equation is referred as the “Lane-Emden equation of index $n$.”

Analytical Solution to Lame-Emden Equation

The Lane-Emden equation has analytical solution for n = 0, 1 and 5. For other situations, the equation must be solved numerically. In this post, only analytical solutions will be discussed.

Boundary conditions

To solve the Lane-Emden equation, only complete polytropes should be considered, which means Eq.$\ref{EoSrho}$ should be valid throughout the entire mass. So $\lambda$ is equal to the central density $\rho_c$. Further, $d\theta/d\xi$ must vanish at origin. So the boundary conditions can be written as:

n = 0

Now the Lane-Emden equation is

after first integration,

the second integration,

where C, D are integration constant.

Add the boundary condition $\theta =1$,

n = 1

Introduce a useful transformation,

and reduce the Lane-Emden equation to

then for $n = 1$

The general solution for Eq.$\ref{n=1}$ is

Restrict the solution equals to zero at the origin, $\delta = 0$. Then make $\theta =1$, $C = 1$

n = 5

This situation is a little bit more complicated. I will make an individual post on it.